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Celebrating 35 Years of Excellence

Tracing Legacy of M&R's Distribution Journey

The Journey that Shaped M&R

Every story is unique, and the tale of M&R Distributors International LLC is one of resilience and integrity. Max, armed with extensive expertise in the fragrance industry, faced a crucial test of his principles. When confronted with shifting market dynamics, Max, with Ruthy's unwavering support, chose the path of honor. They prioritized their dedication to a client over personal gain, marking a pivotal moment in M&R's history. This act laid the foundation for M&R's enduring core values, which continue to shape our journey.

The Power of Numbers

With a legacy of 35 years, we’ve garnered extensive expertise and fostered relationships with continued respect and kindness. Our journey is reflected in the multitude of products delivered and the breadth of our SKU inventory. At M&R, numbers amplify our commitment and proficiency. What began as a personal pledge with under 400 SKUs over 30 years ago has blossomed into M&R - a name synonymous with trust. By 2022, our presence was firmly established across three expansive warehouses, traversing borders to export and import to over 20 countries. The tally of our accomplishments speaks: in 2022 we’ve sold over 2 million products and curated an impressive selection of more than 5000 unique offerings.

A Legacy of Honesty and Integrity

Today, M&R is a shining example of the enduring power of care for clients and partners. Since its inception over 35 years ago, the values instilled by the founding couple, Max and Ruthy, have guided the company’s remarkable journey.

Trust-Building Relationships

At M&R, honesty is not just a policy; it’s the cornerstone of every business relationship. We prioritize building trust with our customers, suppliers, and partners, fostering long-lasting alliances.

Ethical Compass

Integrity guides our decisions and actions. We uphold the highest ethical standards in our business practices, ensuring fairness, transparency, and respect in all transactions.

The Heart of Our Success- Our People

Behind every success story are the people who make it happen. Our dedicated warehouse staff ensures impeccable handling while our administration team orchestrates seamless operations. They are the unsung heroes who turn our values into reality, nurturing relationships with suppliers and customers.

Customers - Our Valued Friends

To us, customers are more than transactions; they’re friends. With a family-oriented approach, we go beyond the ordinary. Adaptability is our hallmark. We give every customer the special attention they deserve, crafting flexible solutions that fuel their success.

Suppliers - Our Trusted Collaborators

At M&R, we recognize that a brand is more than just a product; it’s an identity. We extend an invitation to suppliers and brands seeking a steadfast partner. Your trust in us is met with an unwavering commitment to uphold and enhance your brand’s legacy. We’re not just distributors; we’re brand stewards who invest in a deep understanding of your essence and meticulously plan the optimal distribution channels. Collaboration extends beyond transactions; it’s about exploring opportunities, nurturing growth, and ensuring your brand’s success within our markets. When you choose M&R, you choose a partner dedicated to propelling your brand to unparalleled heights.

The Journey that Shaped M&R

Every story is unique, and the tale of M&R Distributors International LLC is one of resilience and integrity. Max, armed with extensive expertise in the fragrance industry, faced a crucial test of his principles. When confronted with shifting market dynamics, Max, with Ruthy's unwavering support, chose the path of honor. They prioritized their dedication to a client over personal gain, marking a pivotal moment in M&R's history. This act laid the foundation for M&R's enduring core values, which continue to shape our journey.

The Power of Numbers

With a legacy of 35 years, we’ve garnered extensive expertise and fostered relationships with continued respect and kindness. Our journey is reflected in the multitude of products delivered and the breadth of our SKU inventory. At M&R, numbers amplify our commitment and proficiency. What began as a personal pledge with under 400 SKUs over 30 years ago has blossomed into M&R - a name synonymous with trust. By 2022, our presence was firmly established across three expansive warehouses, traversing borders to export and import to over 20 countries. The tally of our accomplishments speaks: in 2022 we’ve sold over 2 million products and curated an impressive selection of more than 5000 unique offerings.

A Legacy of Honesty and Integrity

Today, M&R is a shining example of the enduring power of care for clients and partners. Since its inception over 35 years ago, the values instilled by the founding couple, Max and Ruthy, have guided the company’s remarkable journey.

Trust-Building Relationships

At M&R, honesty is not just a policy; it’s the cornerstone of every business relationship. We prioritize building trust with our customers, suppliers, and partners, fostering long-lasting alliances.

Ethical Compass

Integrity guides our decisions and actions. We uphold the highest ethical standards in our business practices, ensuring fairness, transparency, and respect in all transactions.

The Heart of Our Success- Our People

Behind every success story are the people who make it happen. Our dedicated warehouse staff ensures impeccable handling while our administration team orchestrates seamless operations. They are the unsung heroes who turn our values into reality, nurturing relationships with suppliers and customers.

Customers - Our Valued Friends

To us, customers are more than transactions; they’re friends. With a family-oriented approach, we go beyond the ordinary. Adaptability is our hallmark. We give every customer the special attention they deserve, crafting flexible solutions that fuel their success.

Suppliers - Our Trusted Collaborators

At M&R, we recognize that a brand is more than just a product; it’s an identity. We extend an invitation to suppliers and brands seeking a steadfast partner. Your trust in us is met with an unwavering commitment to uphold and enhance your brand’s legacy. We’re not just distributors; we’re brand stewards who invest in a deep understanding of your essence and meticulously plan the optimal distribution channels. Collaboration extends beyond transactions; it’s about exploring opportunities, nurturing growth, and ensuring your brand’s success within our markets. When you choose M&R, you choose a partner dedicated to propelling your brand to unparalleled heights.
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